Schookums and Meat are two not so perfect High Council agents, Shcookums is a hyperactive cat, and Meat is a dim-witted dog. Sometimes they get their missions completed but Sometimes they don't go so well, though occasionally they don't often get along with each other which results in slapstick fihgts. There was one time they died by getting hit by a truck and see that they arrived in Heaven (A resting place for souls and High Council agents but serves as an Oasis) but weren't allowed due to some bad things they did, though they convinced the supervisor of Heaven to give them a chance so that they won't be throw to the Other Side, but they did decide to stay in the Other Side when they see two gorgeous succubi but sadly for them they go back to their world due to the fact they didn't really die just have a near death experience so they jump into the Other Side only to find out that these succubi are actually they're former dates, making them leave the Other Side and Heaven just to make a run for their lives as they go back to their world. Though Zeus and Yen Sid hope these two will end up getting along.